Monday, September 7, 2009

Update on "Group Effort" Screen Star. haired, green gowned, cigarette holder wielding screen star from the "Golden Era" of hollywood (circa late 1930's). Now, for the gown. I didn't have too many slinky, silks to choose from. Fortunately, I have a very slinky, almost satiny, delicate silk which should drape beautifully. And it's a warm green with golden tones (very retro) Sort of like mixing the old avocado green with harvest gold from the "vintage kitchens of the past few decades. Anyway, I've started playing around with drapingthe body form. I am trying to sculpt the smooth face required for the character. Smooth is tough! I am using lots of talcum and/or corn starch to smooth out all of the lines in the clay (Thank You, Jamie C., for teaching us how to do that correctly at Guild School). Here's a pic of the gown so far so you can get an idea of color and drape...

1 comment:

  1. Yipes, I haven't been here for ages to comment on your 'siren'. I love the way you are draping the gown. The color and fabric will be perfect with red hair ~ brilliant selection.
